Scavenger is a platformer game following the journey of Alan as he ventures across a land to find parts to repair a robot.

This version is a very early prototype to test game functionality and is very incomplete.


Left Stick / WASD: Move

A/Space: Jump

B/Alt/Mouse2: Spin

X / Left Shift on title screen: quit game

Start / Escape: Return to title screen

You can change character and customize the robot by approaching Jez and pushing button B. This UI is a crude proof-of-concept which has no thumbnails for any selections and can only change one option at a time. To change multiple options, push B near Jez again to re-open the menu. More options for this menu are unlocked as you collect boxes.

Any feedback or criticism is greatly appreciated!

Known Issues:

Enemies' animations freeze if the player is still in swipe proximity after the swipe animation is complete.

A button prompt that appears when in range of Jez is not yet created.

This game will display to VR headsets, but without any motion or orientation tracking. 

Plans for possible future updates:

More and bigger levels

More robot parts

More player characters, (Frog, Beans)

Story cutscenes

Gun attack to defeat enemies from a distance, different effects based on specific robot customization

Slide attack to bowl over large clusters of enemies

Vice and Tank enemies

Give the robot a name

Use-at-own-risk VR mode

This program uses modules by other persons:

PSX Shader Kit by Valerie Moza.

Music generated by Microsoft Music Producer.

Made withUnity


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